Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stormy T-ball game

What a stormy night... we were not sure if we would even be able to get a t-ball game in or not. It started lightning all around us shortly after we began playing... well, it didn't stop the kids!! They were still very eager to play. We had a blast even though they only got to play for 30 minutes. Summer storms are sooo unpredictable! Ugh!!!

Our little Slugger!

Drake at 3rd Base... waiting to go home!

The T-Ball Team (pretty cute, huh?)

Drake covering 1st base

SNACK TIME!!! (with the lightning still popping all around us!!)

Birthday Boy

I can't believe Drake is 4 years old already! We decided to have his birthday indoors this year, since last year it was close to 100 degrees outside!! Kid's Clubhouse was amazing with three large inflatables.... the kids had a blast!

Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you!

Drake opening a few of his presents

Drake playing air hockey with his Poppy!

coming down the big slide!!!

Landry Lee and Drake Lee (she is his favorite cousin!!)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our Cheerleader

Our Cheerleader... JOY! This is Joy's first year cheerleading in school. She loves it!

Ashton came up to cheer on her little sister :)

Drake and Joy after the game! GO EAGLES!

THE Wolfpack

What a great season it has been... or at least better than the past few years, right?

Drake... always saying or doing something funny!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


To All Our Faithful Followers:

All I can say is facebook! Instead of posting new pics and comments on our blog, I have been posting everything on facebook. So sorry! I will try and do a run down of everything that we have been doing this summer. It has been busy to say the least! Ashton graduated from High School on June 11th... Joy left for a road trip to Indiana on June 14th... Drake's 3rd birthday was June 22nd... Joy came back on the 27th to leave on the 28th for church camp and then she left again on July 17th for the church mission trip to Atlanta for a week! Very busy young lady!! Craig coached legion ball most of the spring and summer. We had a blast going to all his games. We also had church softball going on in the middle of all the chaos. Ashton will start college in January. She is super excited and so are we. She is majoring in Criminal Justice. Joy went back to school on the 25th of August. This will be her last year of middle school... sniff, sniff. We have missed our family and friends a lot this summer. We hope everyone has found time to enjoy their families, read a good book, watched something funny on tv... and took time to praise our Lord and Savior. We are looking forward to Autumn and I will be posting more pics real soon! Friend me on facebook so you can see more of what we've been doing!!

Love, Michele :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bath Time

This little guy loves bath time. He loves to swim in 4 inches of water and blow bubbles with something other than his mouth... guess I know who taught him that! (thanks Craig!)
He loves it until it is time to actually do what you have to do during bath time... BATHE!

Snow Day 2010

We have truly had our share of winter weather this year. But hey... why not enjoy it while it last!

Better Late Than Never...

Two cute pictures from Christmas... yeah... Christmas. Just getting time to blog. Where does time go??? I can tell ya.... work, cleaning house, cooking, bathing children, answering the phone, laundry, story time... the list is endless!

The most precious reindeer ever!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Recliner

Well... as you can see, Drake found out there are more ways than one to fall asleep in his new recliner. Kids can fall asleep anywhere... and in any position apparently!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays

From Our Family to yours.... We would like to wish you all very Happy Holiday season. I hope that you will take the time to remember why we celebrate Christmas.

Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring
you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.
For there is born to you... a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11