Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Look What Santa brought Me!

Oh My! Santa hooked me up with some really cool toys!

Check out my new 2008 Kawasaki 4-wheeler!

Here I am pretending to be like Mommy working on my Elmo computer!!!

My Mommy caught me in this silly picture when I was trying to tell her something very important! (stink! stink!--which means I had present for Mommy in my diaper!!!)

Here I am laughing at my Cookie Monster... he talks!

Merry Christmas from Rockingham

My Grandma Pat's beautiful Christmas Tree

Daddy and Me opening presents from my cousins.

My sis Ashton and her bo Brian!

My cousin Jerry Leigh (isn't she sooo pretty?)

My sis Joy and my cousin Peanut (aka Kimmie)

My sweet Grandma Pat sitting in her favorite spot on the couch watching all of us open our Christmas presents...

My crazy Aunt Kim... she is so loving...
Thank you Grandma Pat, Aunt Kim, Jerry Leigh, Peanut, and Papa Leon for all my wonderful Christmas presents!!! I love you all :-)

Look Who Came to see the Lee's

It's SANTA!!!! (aka Drake)

Here Santa is sneaking in the back door!

Drake & Poppy!! Drake sure loves his Poppy.

Charlie Brown Christmas

My sister Joy and her Best Bud Mary Michael

Joy was Sally (Charlie Brown's little sis) in the church Christmas play

The cast!

Miss Catastrophe 2009

My Daddy says that blondes have way more fun!!!

Sister Attack

This is what happens when you have a sister... they try to make you look like them! (clue... the hair bow!)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Time Change

Boy... this time change business really has me all messed up. Mommy said that I was asleep at 745pm. I usually do not go to bed until 10. I missed Dancing with the Stars and all the stupid political commercials last night... ARRGHHH!!


Warning... if you see this car with the person below driving it, PLEASE
get off the road!!! :-) Congrats big sist-a for passing the driving test!

My apologizes

To all of Drake's blog followers:

I usually have Drake do my dirty work and apologize to everyone for being so slack on posting, but I decided to do it myself this time! I will do my best to do a better job at posting more regularly. We have all been out of sorts lately and we are finally getting used to our new home and new weekly activities!

Coming soon... The Lee Family Blog!

I promise to do better!! Love you all :-)

Happy Halloween!!

Can you guess who I am??

Future cornhole champion!

Here I am practicing my techinque for cornhole!

Say cheeee-ese!

Abby, Mary Michael, and my sister JOY!

NC State Fair

Here I am riding a ride with my big sis' Joy! She is so cool!!

Can you see me???

Here I am with Daddy waiting in line to ride another cool ride

Well, I have to say that the State Fair was a lot of fun. I hope to go back next year!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hey!! Look at me

Now that we are in our new home, I get to take a bath in the tub instead of the kitchen sink!!! wooohoo!!

Mommy keeps telling me not to eat the bubbles and drink the bath water, but it is so warm and good! hee-hee

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sorry it has been so long...

Mommy wanted me to tell everyone that she is so sorry
that it has taken her so long to post new pictures on my
blog. As you can see, our house finally sold and we have begun
packing. Mommy has been working really hard to make
the move easy for all of us. She did make time to post a
few pictures below.

Here is a picture of my new home. We will be moving
in next weekend! Please come see us!

Mowing the grass w/ Daddy

Here I am sitting on the riding mower waiting for Daddy
to crank it up.
Here I am posing for Mommy!

Boy... this mowing grass thing is really tiring!

Big Sis Joy gets braces!

Look at my big sister! She has new "brace"lets on her teeth...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Playing Dress Up

Am I gorgeous or what?

Monday Night Softball

Here I am hanging out with Mommy watching my Daddy's softball game

Look at my Daddy!

Good extension, Daddy.

The love of my life, Morgan Kate Calton!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July Everyone! If you notice, I am back wearing a splint on my hand again. Mommy took me to a special hand doctor on Wednesday and they told her my finger was still broke and the bone did not heal properly. I have to wear this aggravating thing for two weeks. Please pray for me that my finger heals. I do not want to go through surgery to make it right.

I love you all! Hugs and Kisses

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Mommy's Softball Team

What a terrific season. My Mommy's team won the regular season 12-0 and won all three games of the tournament finishing 15-0!!! Way to go First Baptist!

June 22, 2008 (Myrtle Beach, SC)

I spent my first birthday at Myrtle Beach with my Grandma Pat, Aunt Kim, my two sisters, and my two cousins Jerry Leigh and Kimmie (aka Peanut!!)
We had so much fun!

Look at me on the beach! Not sure that I like it...

Here I am being a good boy sitting in my cousin Jerry Leigh's lap. They are getting ready to sing me Happy Birthday!

Look at my cake! It was very good. Grandma Pat lov-ed it!!!

I didn't waste any time trying out this delicious cake! Thank you Aunt Kim for a wonderful time at the beach. WE love you bunches!