Monday, April 28, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Drake and the Remote Control

I am doing what my Daddy's does. He is always pointing this thing at the TV.

Finally... After several tries I adjusted the volume for Mommy.

A Trip for Ice Cream

Just chillin' in my car seat on the way to get some ice cream

Is this called ice cream or HEAVEN???... yum, yum!

My big sister Joy enjoying an ice cream sandwich

All done and totally satisfied!

Fun times at the Bowling Alley

Look at me being a silly boy!

Here is a picture of me clapping for my big sister Joy. She only knocked down one pin, but hey, that is still worth clapping about! Hurray for Joy!!

What a funny pose there Joy!

My Pal Maddox came for a visit!

My Buddy Maddox (aka... Madman)

Here we are standing around like cool dudes! We had a lot of fun. Thank you for coming and staying with us for the weekend Nate and Erika! We hope you will bring Madman back to play again real soon. Oh, and big sis Rusty too!!