Monday, April 13, 2009

My apologizes....

To all our loyal blog watchers:

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update Drake's blog. My hard drive on my computer fried about a month ago and I just recently added about 280 pictures from my camera back onto the computer. So please scroll down and see what Drake has been up to the last couple of months. All is grand in the Lee House... Craig is finally feeling better from his week long sickness, Ashton & Joy both had straight A's on their report cards, and ME... I got a 2nd job! I am now working part time at my church and I have to say that I am so excited about it... Most people think working two jobs is rough, well... not me. Working at the church has truly been a blessing. It has been a great way for me to get to know my church family better. It is such an honor to be able to serve the Lord and my fellow church members.

It's Amazing...

It's amazing what will happen when you add a little ketchup to your son's hotdog!!!! Drake decided to try it as a new hair product... Look out Paul Mitchell!

Easter Egg Hunt @ church

Mr. Cool with his shades on!

The Be-auti-ful Miss Elijah Mitchell

Here is Drake on the hunt...

Drake and his friend Emma Gardner

Here is Drake being held by one of the sweetest young ladies
I know... Miss Kaylee Morgan!!!

Birthday Party for Drake's pal Brock (March 22nd)

Brock Hoggard turns 2!!!!


There is nothing like wearing a little birthday cake!!!

Here are the boys in action with Brock's new basketball goal

Brock's awesome Mom Cathy rented a huge blow up for Brock
and Drake to jump around on. The grown-ups also had a "little"
fun toooo!

Brock and his Mom Cathy (too cute)

St. Baldrick's Day (March 7th)

What an amazing evening! Craig and Dustin Baker raised over $1600
for the St. Baldrick's foundation. This foundation raises money to
help find a cure for kid's cancer.

Here is the BEFORE...

Here is the AFTER... they are still both very, very handsome! WE are
all very proud of you for going under the clippers for such a great cause!!!

Cannon's Super Hero Birthday Party (March)

What a fun party! All the kids dressed up like Super Hero's. As you
can see, Drake went as batman! He had so much fun running around
in the gym at Clayton High School.

How fast this girl is growing up... sniff, sniff!

Look who made an appearance!!!! BATGIRL... Morgan Kate Calton

Little Stud Muffin

Spring is Here!!!!

Finally! A few days of warm weather. Drake has been dying to get outside. You know little ones... they do not care if it is 80 or 20 degrees outside. He thinks if anyone walks out the door that he is to go out with them!!!

Look at this cute face!

Silly boy decided to taste the dandelion (we all know how bad
they stink!) Drake can now tell you how bad they taste!!!!!

how precious...

Hat Day

Well... here is a few cute pictures from Grandmommy Pat's house in February.

Big Boy... that loves his Paci!!!!!!!