Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stormy T-ball game

What a stormy night... we were not sure if we would even be able to get a t-ball game in or not. It started lightning all around us shortly after we began playing... well, it didn't stop the kids!! They were still very eager to play. We had a blast even though they only got to play for 30 minutes. Summer storms are sooo unpredictable! Ugh!!!

Our little Slugger!

Drake at 3rd Base... waiting to go home!

The T-Ball Team (pretty cute, huh?)

Drake covering 1st base

SNACK TIME!!! (with the lightning still popping all around us!!)

Birthday Boy

I can't believe Drake is 4 years old already! We decided to have his birthday indoors this year, since last year it was close to 100 degrees outside!! Kid's Clubhouse was amazing with three large inflatables.... the kids had a blast!

Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you!

Drake opening a few of his presents

Drake playing air hockey with his Poppy!

coming down the big slide!!!

Landry Lee and Drake Lee (she is his favorite cousin!!)