Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My First Vacation

The Capitol Building... very beautiful

Look at my silly Daddy!

My sister Joy, My buddy Maddox... and ME!
(we are in Washington, D.C. just in case you didn't notice)

Fast asleep in the car! On the way to see my buddy Maddox!

Thank you Nate, Erika, and Maddox for such an awesome weekend!!!

Look Who is Being Naughty...

Mommy keeps telling me that Santa is watching... I promise I am being gentle with the tree!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Finally Some Real Food

Mommy gave me my first biscuit. It is yum, yum good! It is really messy, but I like it.

This Little Piggy went into My Mouth

Yum... Yum... Daddy says to try this with BBQ sauce!

No volume control!!

Look who has only one volume control... LOUD!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Baby Dedication Day

My awesome grandparents!

Look at me in my snazzy outfit!

Mommy and ME!

I had no idea how cool the baby dedication would be at church. I got to be in front of the whole church with several of my friends who were also being dedicated. We all got to dress up in fancy clothes and our parents had to hold us the whole time!! After church my Nonna and Poppy cooked lots of great food that I did NOT get to it! Bummer!! Hopefully soon I will get to it all that delicious food!!

Happy Halloween

My silly Dad!

Well, I was a little under the weather for Halloween this year. I was dressed up as a cow for the fall festival at church, but on Halloween night, I was Daddy's little monster!! My sis Joy, was supporting the troops with her Army outfit! She is so cool. My Daddy on the other hand was just being himself (a total goofball, so Mommy says.) I hope everyone got lots of candy! Joy sure did.

Monday, October 22, 2007

More cute pics!

These pictures are from my day with my Daddy. He loves to make me laugh and he is really good at it. Mommy thinks that we are in cahoots with one another. Daddy is just a funny looking guy and I cannot help but laugh at him!!

Look Who's 4 Months Old Today

Yep, you guessed it... ME!!

Mommy took me to the doctor today. The doc said that I am a very big boy and that Mommy and Daddy are doing all the right things to keep me healthy. I weighed in at 18lbs even (95%)... I am 27-1/2" long (90%)... Just like my buddies Mayes and Maddox, I had to have those won-der-ful shots... (totally not cool!) I have been sleeping most of the day. Those shots really make me sleepy. I have started eating some other really good stuff. I am not real sure about it yet, but Mommy said that I will soon learn to love it.

In loving Memory of My Great Granny Billie

So sorry that it has been a while since Mommy has posted any new pictures of me. Mommy is reposting a picture from a few months ago of my Great Granny Billie. On October 15th she moved to her new home with Jesus. I look forward to my Nonna and Daddy telling me all the fun stories about her. We will miss her bunches!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Showing My Independence

Take a look at me. Mommy brought out my walker for me to play with. I really like it, but I can only go backwards in it right now. I love to chew on the neat little toys. I love sitting up like a big boy. Hopefully soon I will figure out how to make this thing really go.

I hope everyone is doing well. I love you all!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rock-a-by-Baby in the tree top...

Sweet dreams... zzzzzzzzz

Three Months have come and GONE...

Can you believe it? I am already three months old. My Mommy keeps looking at me with the puppy dog eyes b/c she knows just how fast I am growing up. Look at the cute picture of me in my new Johnny jumper. That thing is so cool. I get to sit up like a big boy with no one holding on to me. Daddy likes to spin me around and make my tummy feel ooky! :)

My Family Down South

Hi Everyone- Guess where I went for the weekend? Yep, you guessed it... I went to see my grandparents in Rockingham. I also got to see my Aunt Kim and my two cousins Jerry Leigh and Kimmie. We had lots of fun there. Daddy tried to get me to taste some cantelope at the chinese resturant, but I didn't want anything to do with that. Maybe soon I will start liking other things besides my milk.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pool Time

Look at me in my spiffy bathing suit. Mommy says that I look adorable. We went swimming at Mommy's friend Meagan's place. It was lots of fun. I slept most of the time that I was there. I hope to go back again soon!

Love, Drake

Tailgating w/ My Parents

Tailgating with my parents was a blast. I ate, slept, and pooped!! Sounds like fun, huh? I wished that we would have won the game, but Daddy's says that they have to get their heads out of the sand first. All I can say is "Better Luck Next Time!"

Look what I found?

I finally figured out that these two things that I keep hitting myself in the face with are my HANDS!! Boy do they taste yummy. I drool all over the place when I am eating my hands. Mommy started putting this thing around my neck to help me eat my hands without making such a big mess. She supports all my new habits...hehe

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Look at Me... I am 2 months old!

I turned two months old and had to go to the doctor on my big day. Mommy had to leave the room when the nurse came in to give me my shots. Daddy said that I did really good. I now weigh 13 lbs 12 oz and I am 24-1/4 inches long. Mommy said something about me being in the 90th percentile... (whatever that means :) I have been missing all of my friends. I hope to be seeing all of you soon. Daddy is getting so excited about football. He tells me that I will get to see some of my friends at the football games!

Love, Drake

Friday, August 17, 2007

Some cute photos

Mommy just wanted to share a couple of cute pictures of me. Not a lot going on lately other than a lot of diaper changing and lots of bottle time!!

Love, Drake

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A visit to My Great-Granny's House

Did you know that I have the "Most Beautiful" Great Granny in the whole world??? Well... I do! I went for a visit to her house last week and I got to see lots of my cousins. I also got to see my Aunt Allyson. Isn't she so pretty too?? While we were there we all got to hear a gospel quartet. They came to sing for my Granny b/c they think she is very special. I TOTALLY agree!

I love you Granny Billie!

My sister Joy's Birthday Party

We celebrated my sister Joy's birthday yesterday. She turned 10!! Everyone was eating all kinds of stuff that Mommy said I could eat when I get bigger, but for now I have to sit around and watch everyone else. Trust me when I say that I love my food!! I am eating more than ever these days. Daddy says that if I drink my milk, then I will grow to be real tall and strong just like him.... hehe!!

Talk to ya later, Drake

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Cute Stuff

Just a few cute pictures for all my wonderful family and friends!!

Look at Me Now

Hello Everyone :) I just wanted to say hello and show you some new pictures of me. I showed my Mommy and Daddy that I can smile for the camera now. I love to coo at my Mommy b/c it is funny to watch her coo back at me. She is so silly. Daddy tries to be cool and talk to me like I am a big boy!! I went to a very sweet wedding on Saturday, August 4th and I got to dress up in a nice outfit that my Nonna and Poppy bought me. I was a good boy in the nursery with my big sister Ashton while the wedding was going on. I only pooped once!! I got two kisses from the beautiful bride Nicole. I think she likes me :) Congratulations to Nicole and Don!!
Love, Drake

One Month Old

Well, I have to tell you that I am really growing. Mommy took me to the doctor for my one month check up on July 23rd and everything was great. I am weighing 10 lbs 13 oz now and I am 23-1/2 inches long. My collar bone is healing beautifully. Did you know that everyone is telling me that I look just like my Daddy??? Well, my Nonna brought over pictures of my Daddy when he was a baby and... Yep, you guessed... I look exactly like him. Mommy kept telling Daddy that she wanted her little Drake-e-poo to look like him and she got it.

Love, Drake