Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Gosh, do I love my new home!! Mommy's tummy was really nice too, but I was getting a little cramped in there. I had lots of visitors my first day at home. Todd and Michelle DeMakes are two of Mommy and Daddy's best friends that came to see me and they brought lots of delicious food over for my family to eat. I had my first doctor's appointment on Tuesday, July 26th and the doctor told my Mommy that my collar bone was broke. I am such a tuffy that I didn't cry over it.

We will talk again soon!!

Love, Drake

1 comment:

Mich-n-Todd said...

Thanks for putting a picture of us up! =) At least you can mostly only see Drake, after all, HE is the STAR and such a CUTIE!!! Love ya!