Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays

From Our Family to yours.... We would like to wish you all very Happy Holiday season. I hope that you will take the time to remember why we celebrate Christmas.

Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring
you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.
For there is born to you... a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11


Just like every year... we have so many things to be thankful for. I am so thankful for my husband and my three beautiful children. I do not know what I did to deserve any of them. I am thankful that I live in a country where I can serve God freely and openly.

Drake is enjoying the pony ride. This pony not only is cute... it also makes noises which Drake loved!

Go long.....!!! Drake throwing the football with Craig

Here is Nonna and Poppy with all their grandchildren!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fall Festival on Halloween Day

I think that Drake is going to try out for the football team next year. He already tackles better than some of the players on the NC State team! Isn't he a cutie??

I love this picture. Joy took time out from serving popcorn to take a sweet picture with her little brother.

Pumpkin Carving Party at The Lowe's

What a fun Party!!! We had a fun evening at Scott & Jodi Lowe's home a couple of weeks ago. Lots of kids, pumpkins, and food! Thank you Scott and Jodi for inviting us!

Drake and his cousin Braxton Lowe (on Scott's tractor)

Here is Craig holding his little cousin, the beautiful Maci Summers Lowe

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Baby

(full of energy, athletic, busy, loving, smiley, affectionate)
Our little miracle.... Drake, you are not old enough to understand right now just how special you are, but one day your Dad and I will share with you the amazing story of how you got here. If we did not have the medical technology that we have today it would have not been possible. I told your Daddy when I was pregnant with you that something felt different than when I was pregnant with your sisters... I told him that you might be a BOY! On January 17, 2007 we were given the news that indeed you would be a boy and that's when the planning began. Within a few short months you were born and the blessings began to pour out for your dad and me. From the first smile to the everyday kisses we are blessed by you. I know that you say my name at least a hundred times a day, but I never get tired of it. Thank you for my time at night when you want to cuddle with just me... I tell your Daddy that I am in "My Happy Place!" and that is what it is... my little happy place with you in my lap snug under my chin and tucked in my right arm just like I like it. We are very proud of you and look forward to watching you grow and we thank our Lord Jesus Christ for blessing us with such a special little boy. We love you Drake Michael Lee.

The Middle

(sweet-sweet, air-headed, sneaky, affectionate, smart, artistic, brilliant, lovable)
The One who is forced to be in the middle.... Joy, your name fits you perfectly! You are truly a joy to your family and anyone you meet. The Webster dictionary describes the word joy as a very glad feeling, happiness, great pleasure, and delight... you are all of these. Your smile is contagious. Thinking back on you as a child makes me giggle inside. You were so chubby as a baby, but it only meant that we have lots more to love. Everyone loves a chubby baby! You always wanted to be with me no matter where I was, even if I was in the bathroom you had to be there. You would ask at least a million questions a day and sometimes it was about the darnedest things, but that is why we love you. We love you because you are so carefree and so genuine that you don't let the things of the world slow you down. You always put yourself last and you care about other people's feelings. That makes me very proud. You have blossomed into such a beautiful young lady. I am proud of Joy not only for your academics, but for putting God first in your life. When you have troubles in your life always look to the Bible for answers. The Bible is given to us a guide to our daily living. Always keep your eyes on Jesus. Thank you for loving me the way you do. Thank you for giving everything your best and trying new things. I am so proud of you Joy. You have far exceeded all my expectations and you keep achieving new heights every year. I love you, Joy Meredith Alford.

The Oldest

(outgoing, lively, spontaneous, pint-sized, energetic, sincere, has to have the last word!)

Where to begin about this beautiful daughter... Ashton, I loved you before I ever laid eyes on you. You came as a surprise, but I knew it was no surprise to God. He knew that I needed someone to love me unconditionally. I remember like it was yesterday the first time I heard you say "Mommy." It was like music to my ears!! Watching you grow has been a gift from God. You always give everything your all and you never settle for second. You put God first in your life and that is the way it should be. I love you for taking the time you do everyday to send me a text message (that's what teenagers do these days!) I thank you for every "I love you" and for being a positive source for your sisters and brother. Now that you are a senior, you have lots of decisions ahead of you. Always remember to keep God first in your life and in all your decision making. He will never lead you astray. Words cannot express just how proud you make me and your family. Always remember to keep your chin up when life's trials come and go. I love you Ashton, my first born!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mid July Beach Trip w/ the Rockingham Gang

Another fun beach trip. It is family tradition that My sister Kim, My Mom, all the kids, and myself get together every year during the summer for a week of vacation. Being that I live few hours away from my family, vacations like this mean so much to me. The time is valuable and precious that I want it to last so much longer than it does. Like the saying goes... "Time flies when you are having fun!" Kim and Mom, thank you so much for driving so far to be with us for a few days at the beach.

Cool Helmet, Drake!

Sweet Little Peanut!

Joy and Jerry Leigh (aka... Patty Cakes)

Cousins and best buds!

Oops... Joy landed on her hinney after attempting to do a front walk-over!

The girls doing hand stands.

My sister Kim, Joy, Jerry Leigh, and Peanut

Sweet little thing!!! Love you, Peanut...

Love you too, Jerry Leigh!!

July 4th Weekend (lots of pictures)

What an amazing weekend! The weather was perfect and it was the first time in two years that we were able to go to the beach for July 4th. Here are lots of pictures to show you how much fun we had. Drake is finally like the beach... the only catch is that we have to go late in the afternoon when the sun is not so bright and the wind is not blowing sand needles in our legs!

what a goofy picture of me... (Craig is practicing with the new camera... keeping practicing Craig!)

Drake is trying to be a turtle in this picture... he was having so much fun!

Craig boogey boarding... no skim boarding this year!!

I love this picture of Drake and Nonna... (Nonna please don't kill me for posting this! I think you are always beautiful!!!)

Drake and the Grand's

Landry and Drake being two little cuties...

Going on a boat ride with Poppy

Drake pretending to drive the boat

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Birthday and a Little Baseball

Well, Drake turned 2 on June 22nd! We spent the afternoon at Nonna & Poppy's (Craig's parents) house. Drake's cousins Cade, Cannon and Landry were there for the celebration... and big sis Joy.

Here is Drake enjoying a slice of birthday cake

The two men I love the most!

Batter, batter....


Cute picture of Joy and Drake

Oh how Drake loves baseball..... Happy Birthday little buddy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Finally... A relaxing weekend

Finally... We got to go to the beach last weekend and it was amazing. We ran into terrible thunderstorms on the way down Friday night, but we awoke to abundant sunshine Saturday morning. We went out on the beach shortly before noon and Drake did not care for the ocean or sand whatsoever. He is one of those kids that hate to have his hands and feet dirty... SO, after a short trip to the beach we came back and Drake and Craig played in the canal. Now, Drake loved the canal. He managed to flip his boat just to test to see if his Daddy was paying attention. (Craig was right there to save him!!) Lastly, the boys finished up the evening with a little fishing... Ahhhh... paradise!

Drake had a blast at the beach!

Here are my two favorite men!

Here is Craig having a blast in the ocean... little chilly, huh Craig?

Well, it would not be a normal afternoon if Drake didn't want to play baseball! The kid lives and breathes baseball! He loves other sports too, but we think baseball might be his favorite. Who would have guessed it!!!

This might be the cutest dump truck load I have ever seen.

Way to go Drake... Now you're thinking! You found a new way to use the dump truck

How precious! Drake hated the beach, but I managed to get a couple pictures of him smiling. He acted as if he was allergic!!! His nose started running, he was sweating... crying... just plum miserable. Maybe soon he will learn to love it like we do.

How sweet.... love you both!