Friday, September 11, 2009

The Middle

(sweet-sweet, air-headed, sneaky, affectionate, smart, artistic, brilliant, lovable)
The One who is forced to be in the middle.... Joy, your name fits you perfectly! You are truly a joy to your family and anyone you meet. The Webster dictionary describes the word joy as a very glad feeling, happiness, great pleasure, and delight... you are all of these. Your smile is contagious. Thinking back on you as a child makes me giggle inside. You were so chubby as a baby, but it only meant that we have lots more to love. Everyone loves a chubby baby! You always wanted to be with me no matter where I was, even if I was in the bathroom you had to be there. You would ask at least a million questions a day and sometimes it was about the darnedest things, but that is why we love you. We love you because you are so carefree and so genuine that you don't let the things of the world slow you down. You always put yourself last and you care about other people's feelings. That makes me very proud. You have blossomed into such a beautiful young lady. I am proud of Joy not only for your academics, but for putting God first in your life. When you have troubles in your life always look to the Bible for answers. The Bible is given to us a guide to our daily living. Always keep your eyes on Jesus. Thank you for loving me the way you do. Thank you for giving everything your best and trying new things. I am so proud of you Joy. You have far exceeded all my expectations and you keep achieving new heights every year. I love you, Joy Meredith Alford.

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